On Thu, 2016-09-22 at 09:48 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> The Red Hat engineers disabled the ffmpeg capability of firefox ...

> That said, we (I :D) want a firefox with ffmpeg support available,
> therefore I have created a centosplus version of firefox that has ffmpeg
> enabled starting with version 45.4.0-1, released to the repositories a
> few minutes ago.  You can get it from the CentOS Plus Repository:
>  https://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories/CentOSPlus

Gosh. Brilliant, excellent.

We (everyone including me) are gratefully for your tremendous and
magnificent technical support; not forgetting all the other members of
the dedicated 'C' team whose efforts make Centos probably the best
'free' version of Linux, certainly for business, and so dependable and
enjoyable to use.



England, EU.      England's place is in the European Union.

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