On 6/5/2017 7:21 AM, Warren Young wrote:
On Jun 3, 2017, at 4:13 AM, hw <h...@gc-24.de> wrote:

Perl is pretty fast, and most of the work is being done by the database,
so I´m not sure how using an alternative to CGI could make things go faster.
There are many reasons CGI is relatively slow.

1. If you have many connections per second, you need a parallelizable 
technology to make things go fast.  If everything chokes down to a single 
thread, you’ve got a serious bottleneck when the CPS count gets high enough.

2. CGI re-launches the cgi-bin/* programs on every page hit.  Since Perl 
doesn’t leave behind “compiled” forms of the program as some other dynamic 
languages do (e.g. *.pyc in Python, *.beam in Erlang) it has to do the entire 
re-compilation over again.

With FastCGI or Plack, the app remains running once launched, serving hit after 
hit using the same instance.

3. A follow-on advantage from the above is that you also don’t have to 
re-establish other runtime resources like DB connections, file handles, 
application state, etc.  You can just keep it in RAM and access it repeatedly 
on each hit.

But again, down below about 1 CPS, the differences cease to matter, unless 
you’ve got the sort of app where the difference between a response time of 50 
vs 100 ms matters.

Along these lines, SpeedyCGI forms an interesting middle ground between apache-layer perl runtimes and simple CGI re-execution.

If your perl scripts are already mod_perl-safe or have been written with persistency in mind (properly preparing SQL statements, reusing handles, clean variables, etc.), a simple shebang exchange can give you quite a large performance boost, as you're trading an entire perl compilation and execution for a small C wrapper that connects to an existing perl runtime.

Although upstream hasn't had any changes to it in nigh 15 years, it's still right there and available in EPEL 7 as perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI. I'd suggest giving it a shot.

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