Ned Slider wrote:
> That's just a by-product of the fact that it's never been a goal of 
> upstream to make RHEL a self-hosting distribution. It's not a deliberate 
> act designed to thwart rebuilders, be it Oracle or CentOS or anyone 
> else. And even if it were, then it obviously failed given Oracle, SL and 
> now CentOS have managed to successfully rebuild RHEL-6 (minus trademarks 
> and artwork).

I did say harder, not hard or impossible.

> Your comment came across, at least to me, as if Red Hat had deliberately 
> tried to make it harder to rebuild RHEL with some changes they made to 
> 6, and that's simply not the case.

Even Oracle had to work on it for 4-5 months before release, enough for 
Red Hat to assert it self as the way to go if you want "the real thing". 
That and change in how Kernel is distributed now (all patches are inside 
one tar file, and not separate as they are in 5.x) tells me that 
something IS going on, but limited enough not to show Red Hat as the bad 
wolf. They are business owned by greedy shareholders after all is said 
and done.

Anyhow, that is my personal impression and opinion, sharpened by many 
years of double standards, blackmails, attacks, armed conflicts, 
corrupted politicians and common thieves masked as fighters for 
democracy, "civil and ascended" NGO's telling us we are all bunch of 
murderers, etc., my country (Serbia) had endured (and still endures) in 
last 20 years, all because we refused to surrender to NATO. In first 
world war we lost 1/3 of the population fighting against Axis countries. 
In second we lost 1/4 of population fighting against same Axis and 
bombings of western side of Alied forces at the end of the war. Then in 
1990 we endured western-intelligence-agencies-enticed civil war. Then we 
were bombed in operation "Merciful Angel" in 1999 that bombed our 
hospitals with cassette and uranium bombs, and you are now telling me 
that world is in fact pink and corporations all play fair... If I am 
wrong than I will have to start visiting shrink(s).

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