Le 10/07/2012 17:56, Tommi Virtanen a écrit :
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 2:46 AM, Yann Dupont <yann.dup...@univ-nantes.fr> wrote:
As I've keeped the original broken btrfs volumes, I tried this morning to
run the old osd in parrallel, using the $cluster variable. I only have
partial success.
The cluster mechanism was never intended for moving existing osds to
other clusters. Trying that might not be a good idea.
Ok, good to know. I saw that the remaining maps could lead to problem, but in 2 words, what are the other associated risks ? Basically If I use 2 distincts config files, with differents & non-overlapping paths, and different ports for OSD, MDS & MON, we basically have 2 distincts and independant instances ?

By the way, is using 2 mon instance with different ports supported ?


Yann Dupont - Service IRTS, DSI Université de Nantes
Tel : - Mail/Jabber : yann.dup...@univ-nantes.fr

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