On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:58 AM, François Charlier
<francois.charl...@enovance.com> wrote:
> I'm currently working on writing a Puppet module for Ceph.
> As after some research I found no existing module, I'll start from
> scratch but I would be glad to hear from people who would already have
> started working or this or having any idea or pointers regarding this
> subject.

Hi. I don't remember anyone actively working on puppet modules for
Ceph. A quick search gives me just this:


The Chef cookbook at https://github.com/ceph/ceph-cookbooks is
starting to get into a pretty good stage. It radically changes how we
do deployment and management, so I'd recommend you look at it in
detail, and don't imitate mkcephfs. We've been actively changing core
Ceph to make deployment and management simpler; I think the best proof
of that is that the cookbook is already shorter than the mkcephfs
shell script, and will probably just become a thinner layer in the
future. The Juju charms for Ceph are also adopting a model quite close
to what the Chef cookbook does.
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