On 12/01/2015 10:30 AM, Nick Fisk wrote:
Hi Sage/Mark,

I have completed some initial testing of the tiering fix PR you submitted 
compared to my method I demonstrated at the perf meeting last week.

 From a high level both have very similar performance when compared to the 
current broken behaviour. So I think until Jewel, either way would suffice in 
fixing the bug.

I have also been running several tests with different cache sizes and recency 
settings to try and determine if there is any performance differences.

The main thing I have noticed is that when it is based on actual recency method 
in your PR, you run out of adjustment resolution down the low end of the 
recency scale. The difference between objects which are in 1,2 or 3 concurrent 
hit sets is quite large and dramatically affects the promotion behaviour. After 
that though, there is not much difference between setting it to 3 or setting it 
to 9, a sort of logarithmic effect. This looks like it might have an impact on 
being able to tune it to the right setting to be able to fill the cache tier. 
After the cache had the really hot blocks in it, the promotions tailed off and 
the tier wouldn't fill up as there just wasn't any more objects getting hit 3 
or 4 times in a row. If I dropped the recency down by 1, then there were too 
many promotions.

In short, if you set the recency anywhere between 3-4 and max(10) then you were 
pretty much guaranteed reasonable performance with a zipf1.1 profile that I 
tested with.

With my method, it seemed to have a more linear response and hence more 
adjustment resolution, but you needed to be a bit more clever about picking the 
right number. With a zipf1.1 profile and a cache size of around 15% of the 
volume, a recency setting between 6 and 8 (out of 10 hitsets) provided the best 
performance. Higher recency meant the cache couldn't find hot enough objects to 
promote, lower resulted in too many promotions. I think if you take the cache 
size percentage, then invert it and double it, this should give you a rough 
idea of the required recency setting. Ie 20% cache size = 6 recency for 10 
hitsets. 10% cache size would be 8 for 10 hitsets.

Very interesting Nick! thanks for digging into all of this! Forgive me since it's been a little while since I've thought about this, but do you see either method as being more amenable to autotuning? I think ultimately we need to be able to deal with rejecting promotions on an as-needed basis based on some kind of heuristics (size + completion time perhaps).

It could probably also do with some logic to promote really hot blocks faster. 
I'm guessing a combination of the two methods would probably be fairly simple 
to implement and provide the best gain.

Promote IF
1. Total number of hits in all hitsets > required count
2. Object is in last N recent hitsets

But as I touched on above, both of these methods are still vastly improved on 
the current code and it might be that it's not worth doing much more work on 
this, if a proper temperature based list method is likely to be implemented.

I can try and get some graphs captured and jump on the perf meeting tomorrow if 
it would be useful?

That would be great if you have the time! I may not be able to make it tomorrow, but I'll try to be there if I can.

I also had a bit of a think about what you said regarding only keeping 1 copy 
for non dirty objects and the potential write amplification involved. If we had 
a similar logic to maybe_promote(), like maybe_dirty(), which would only dirty 
a block in the cache tier if it's very very hot, otherwise the write gets 
proxied. That should limit the amount of objects requiring extra copies to be 
generated every time there is a write. The end user may also want to turn off 
write caching altogether so that all writes are proxied to take advantage of 
larger read cache.


-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-devel-ow...@vger.kernel.org [mailto:ceph-devel-
ow...@vger.kernel.org] On Behalf Of Sage Weil
Sent: 25 November 2015 20:41
To: Nick Fisk <n...@fisk.me.uk>
Cc: 'ceph-users' <ceph-us...@lists.ceph.com>; ceph-devel@vger.kernel.org;
'Mark Nelson' <mnel...@redhat.com>
Subject: RE: Cache Tiering Investigation and Potential Patch

On Wed, 25 Nov 2015, Nick Fisk wrote:
Yes I think that should definitely be an improvement. I can't
quite get my head around how it will perform in instances where
you miss 1 hitset but all others are a hit. Like this:


And recency is set to 8 for example. It maybe that it doesn't have
much effect on the overall performance. It might be that there is
a strong separation of really hot blocks and hot blocks, but this
could turn out to be a good thing.

Yeah... In the above case recency 3 would be enough (or 9, depending
on whether that's chronological or reverse chronological order).
Doing an N out of M or similar is a bit more flexible and probably
something we should add on top.  (Or, we could change recency to be
N/M instead of just

N out of M, is that similar to what I came up with but combined with
the N most recent sets?


If you can wait a couple of days I will run the PR in its current
state through my test box and see how it looks.

Sounds great, thanks.

Just a quick question, is there a way to just make+build the changed
files/package or select just to build the main ceph.deb. I'm just
using " sudo dpkg-buildpackage" at the moment and its really slowing
down any testing I'm doing waiting for everything to rebuild.

You can probably 'make ceph-osd' and manualy copy that binary into place,
assuming distro matches your build and test environments...

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