To clarify a bit:
The bucket data is not in the main zonegroup.
I wanted to start the reshard in the zonegroup where the bucket and the
data is located, but rgw told me to do it in the primary zonegroup.

So I did it there and the index on the zonegroup where the bucket is
located is empty.

We only sync metadata between the zonegroups not the actual data (basically
have working credentials in all replicated zones but the buckets only life
in one place)

radosgw-admin bucket stats shows me the correct ID/marker and the amount of
shards in all location.
radosgw-admin reshard status shows 101 entries with "not-resharding"
radosgw-admin reshard stale-instances list --yes-i-really-mean-it does NOT
show the bucket
radosgw-admin bucket radoslist --bucket BUCKET is empty
radosgw-admin bucket bi list --bucket BUCKET is empty
radosgw-admin bucket radoslist --bucket-id BUCKETID list files

Am Do., 27. Apr. 2023 um 13:08 Uhr schrieb Boris Behrens <>:

> Hi,
> I just resharded a bucket on an octopus multisite environment from 11 to
> 101.
> I did it on the master zone and it went through very fast.
> But now the index is empty.
> The files are still there when doing a radosgw-admin bucket radoslist
> --bucket-id
> Do I just need to wait or do I need to recover that somehow?

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