Ok, I was able to do a backflip and revert to the old index files:

# Get stuff
radosgw-admin metadata get bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:NEW_BUCKET_ID >
radosgw-admin metadata get bucket:BUCKET_NAME > bucket:BUCKET_NAME.json

# create copy for fast rollback
cp bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:NEW_BUCKET_ID.json
cp bucket:BUCKET_NAME.json new.bucket:BUCKET_NAME.json

# edit the new.* files and replace all required fields with the correct

# del stuff
radosgw-admin metadata rm bucket:BUCKET_NAME
radosgw-admin metadata rm bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:NEW_BUCKET_ID

# upload stuff
radosgw-admin metadata put bucket:BUCKET_NAME < new.bucket:BUCKET_NAME.json
radosgw-admin metadata put bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:OLD_BUCKET_ID <

# rollback in case it did not work
radosgw-admin metadata rm bucket:BUCKET_NAME
radosgw-admin metadata rm bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:OLD_BUCKET_ID
radosgw-admin metadata put bucket:BUCKET_NAME < bucket:BUCKET_NAME.json
radosgw-admin metadata put bucket.instance:BUCKET_NAME:OLD_BUCKET_ID <

Am Do., 27. Apr. 2023 um 13:32 Uhr schrieb Boris Behrens <b...@kervyn.de>:

> To clarify a bit:
> The bucket data is not in the main zonegroup.
> I wanted to start the reshard in the zonegroup where the bucket and the
> data is located, but rgw told me to do it in the primary zonegroup.
> So I did it there and the index on the zonegroup where the bucket is
> located is empty.
> We only sync metadata between the zonegroups not the actual data
> (basically have working credentials in all replicated zones but the buckets
> only life in one place)
> radosgw-admin bucket stats shows me the correct ID/marker and the amount
> of shards in all location.
> radosgw-admin reshard status shows 101 entries with "not-resharding"
> radosgw-admin reshard stale-instances list --yes-i-really-mean-it does NOT
> show the bucket
> radosgw-admin bucket radoslist --bucket BUCKET is empty
> radosgw-admin bucket bi list --bucket BUCKET is empty
> radosgw-admin bucket radoslist --bucket-id BUCKETID list files
> Am Do., 27. Apr. 2023 um 13:08 Uhr schrieb Boris Behrens <b...@kervyn.de>:
>> Hi,
>> I just resharded a bucket on an octopus multisite environment from 11 to
>> 101.
>> I did it on the master zone and it went through very fast.
>> But now the index is empty.
>> The files are still there when doing a radosgw-admin bucket radoslist
>> --bucket-id
>> Do I just need to wait or do I need to recover that somehow?
> --
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