Thnx a lot for making this clear!

I thought 4 out of seven wouldn't be good because it's not an odd number...
but I guess after I would have brought up the cluster with 4 MONs I could
have removed one of the MONs to reach that (well, or add one)

thnx again


Am 06.09.2013 13:26:37, schrieb Jens Kristian Søgaard:
> Hi,
> > In order to reach a quorum after reboot, you need to have more than half
> > of yours mons running.

> > with 7 MONs I have to have at least 5 MONS running?

> No. 4 is more than half of 7, so 4 would be a majority and thus would be 
> able to form a quorum.
> > 4 would be more than the half but insufficient to reach a quorum.

> I don't see why you think 4 would be insufficient.
> > But, would the cluster come up at all if I could get only 3 out of the 7
> > initial MONs up and running?

> It wouldn't be able to form a quorum, and thus you would not be able to 
> use the cluster.
> > I.e. you have 2 mons out of 5 running for example - it will not reach a
> > quorum because you need at least 3 mons to do that.

> > Well, as I said, I had 3 MONs running, just the sequence in which they
> > came up after the reboot was odd,

> The number 3 was specifically for the example of having 5 mons in total.
> In your case where you have 7 mons in total, you need to have 4 running 
> to do anything meaningful.
> The order they are started in does not matter as such.
> > And do I need to make sure that a quorum capable number of MONs is up
> > BEFORE I restart the OSDs?

> No, that is not important. The OSDs will wait until the required number 
> of mons become available.
> > - stop MON / one after the other
> > - start MON / in reverse order, last shutdown is first boot

> It is not required to stop or start mons in a specific order.
> > central question remains, do I need 5 out of 7 MONs running or would 3
> > out of 7 be sufficient?

> The magic number here is 4.
> -- 
> Jens Kristian Søgaard, Mermaid Consulting ApS,
>> ,


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