I see it's the undocumented "ceph.dir.layout.pool"

Something like:

        setfattr -n ceph.dir.layout.pool -v mynewpool <DIR>

On an empty dir.... should work.   I'd like one directory to be more heavily 
mirrored so that a) objects are more likely to be on a less busy server b) 
availability increases (at the expense of size/write speed).

-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Farnum [mailto:g...@inktank.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 11:14 AM
To: Aronesty, Erik
Cc: Aaron Ten Clay; Sage Weil; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] CephFS Pool Specification?

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 7:10 AM, Aronesty, Erik
<earone...@expressionanalysis.com> wrote:
> Ø  You can also create additional data pools and map directories to them,
> but
> this probably isn't what you need (yet).
> Is there a link to a web page where you can read how to map a directory to a
> pool?  (I googled ceph map directory to pool . and got this post)

Nothing official at this point. Sébastien wrote a short blog about it
earlier this year that will give you the basics:
But at this point it's easier to use the virtual xattrs at
"ceph.dir.layout", as shown in this ticket:
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