1. if  one radosgw daemon  corresponds to one zone ?   the rate is 1:1
2. it seems that we can deploy any number of rgw in a gingle ceph cluster,  
those rgw can work separately or cooperate by using radosgw-agent to sync data 
and metadata, am i right?
3. do you know how to set up load balance for rgws?  is nginx a good choose, 
how to let nginx work with rgw?

At 2014-10-25 05:53:27, "Craig Lewis" <cle...@centraldesktop.com> wrote:

You can deploy multiple RadosGW in a single cluster.  You'll need to setup 
zones (see http://ceph.com/docs/master/radosgw/federated-config/).  Most people 
seem to be using zones for geo-replication, but local replication works even 
better.  Multiple zones don't have to be replicated either.  For example, you 
could use multiple zones for tiered services.  For example, a service with 4x 
replication on pure SSDs, and a cheaper service with 2x replication on HDDs.

If you do have separate zones in a single cluster, you'll want to configure 
different OSDs to serve the different zones.  You want fault isolation between 
the zones. The problems this brings are mostly management of the extra 

CivetWeb is embedded into the RadosGW daemon, where as Apache talks to RadosGW 
using FastCGI.  Overall, CivetWeb should be simpler to setup and manage, since 
it doesn't require Apache, it's configuration, or the overhead.

I don't know if Civetweb is considered production ready.  Giant has a bunch of 
fixes for Civetweb, so I'm leaning towards "not on Firefly" unless somebody 
more knowledgeable tells me otherwise.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 11:04 PM, yuelongguang <fasts...@163.com> wrote:

can we deploy multi-rgws on one ceph cluster?
if so  does it bring us any problems? 
2. what is the major difference between apache and civetweb? 
what is  civetweb's advantage? 

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