i  do not understand the use case of  multiple regions and multiple zones and 
multiple rgw. 
in actual use(upload, download) , users  have dealings with rgw directly, in 
this process , what do regions and zones do?
it is radosgw-agent to sync data and metadata.   if  data synchronization is 
finished  right after metadata is synced , or conversely? 
if not,  how is it when user access a file throught another region/zone?
3. during using multiple regions/zones,rgw , do they have any relations with 
cdn(Content Delivery Network)? or how to use multiple regions/zones/rgws with 
thanks, looking forward to your reply.


在 2014-10-28 02:29:03,"Craig Lewis" <> 写道:

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 9:08 AM, yuelongguang <> wrote:

1. if  one radosgw daemon  corresponds to one zone ?   the rate is 1:1

Not necessarily.  You need at least one radosgw daemon per zone, but you can 
have more.  I have a two small clusters.  The primary has 5 nodes, and the 
secondary has 4 nodes.  Every node in the clusters run an apache and radosgw.

It's possible (and confusing) to run multiple radosgw daemons on a single node 
for different clusters.  You can either use Apache VHosts, or have CivetWeb 
listening on different ports.  I won't recommend this though, as it introduces 
a common failure mode to both zones.

2. it seems that we can deploy any number of rgw in a gingle ceph cluster,  
those rgw can work separately or cooperate by using radosgw-agent to sync data 
and metadata, am i right?

You can deploy as many zones as you want in a single cluster.  Each zone needs 
a set of pools and a radosgw daemon.  They can be completely independant, or 
have a master-slave replication setup using radosgw-agent.

Keep in mind that radosgw-agent is not bi-directional replication, and the 
secondary zone is read-only.

3. do you know how to set up load balance for rgws?  is nginx a good choose, 
how to let nginx work with rgw?

Any Load Balancer should work, since the protocol is just HTTP/HTTPS.  Some 
people on the list had issues with nginx.  Search the list archive for radosgw 
and tengine.

I'm using HAProxy, and it's working for me.  I have a slight issue in my 
secondary cluster, with locking during replication.  I believe I need to enable 
some kind of stickiness, but I haven't gotten around to investigating.  In the 
mean time, I've configured that cluster with a single node in the active 
backend, and the other nodes in a backup backend.  It's not a setup that can 
work for everybody, but it meets my needs until I fix the real issue.

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