Hi Anthony,

>> 2. Inefficient chown documentation - The documentation states that one should
>> "chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph" if one is looking to have ceph-osd ran as
>> user ceph and not as root. Now, this command would run a chown process one 
>> osd
>> at a time. I am considering my cluster to be a fairly small cluster with just
>> 30 osds between 3 osd servers. It takes about 60 minutes to run the chown
>> command on each osd (3TB disks with about 60% usage). It would take about 10
>> hours to complete this command on each osd server, which is just mad in my
>> opinion. I can't imagine this working well at all on servers with 20-30 osds!
>> IMHO the docs should be adjusted to instruct users to run the chown in
>> _parallel_ on all osds instead of doing it one by one.
> I suspect the docs are playing it safe there, Ceph runs on servers of widely
> varying scale, capabilities, and robustness.  Running 30 chown -R processes in
> parallel could present noticeable impact on a production server.

I do not agree with your point here. The documentation clearly states that you 
should stop all ceph services before performing the chown command. Thus, the 
server(s) would be in maintenance mode and will not in any way affect 
performance of the production cluster. I do not see running 30 or 60 chown 
processes on a server under maintenance a big issue.

> — Anthony
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