On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Heller, Chris <chel...@akamai.com> wrote:
> I have a directory I’ve been trying to remove from cephfs (via
> cephfs-hadoop), the directory is a few hundred gigabytes in size and
> contains a few million files, but not in a single sub directory. I startd
> the delete yesterday at around 6:30 EST, and it’s still progressing. I can
> see from (ceph osd df) that the overall data usage on my cluster is
> decreasing, but at the rate its going it will be a month before the entire
> sub directory is gone. Is a recursive delete of a directory known to be a
> slow operation in CephFS or have I hit upon some bad configuration? What
> steps can I take to better debug this scenario?

Is it the actual unlink operation taking a long time, or just the
reduction in used space? Unlinks require a round trip to the MDS
unfortunately, but you should be able to speed things up at least some
by issuing them in parallel on different directories.

If it's the used space, you can let the MDS issue more RADOS delete
ops by adjusting the "mds max purge files" and "mds max purge ops"
config values.
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