
I know I'm not the only one with this question as I have see similar questions 
on this list:
How to speed up recovery / backfilling?

Current status:

    pgs:     155325434/800312109 objects degraded (19.408%)
             1395 active+clean
             440  active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfill_wait
             21   active+undersized+degraded+remapped+backfilling

    client:   180 kB/s rd, 5776 kB/s wr, 273 op/s rd, 440 op/s wr
    recovery: 2990 kB/s, 109 keys/s, 114 objects/s

What we did? Shutdown one DC. Fill cluster with loads of objects, turn
DC back on (size = 3, min_size=2). To test exactly this: recovery.

I have been going trough all the recovery options (including legacy) but
I cannot get the recovery speed to increase:

osd_recovery_op_priority 63
osd_client_op_priority 3

^^ yup, reversed those, to no avail

osd_recovery_max_active 10'

^^ This helped for a short period of time, and then it went back to
"slow" mode

osd_recovery_max_omap_entries_per_chunk 0
osd_recovery_max_chunk 67108864

Haven't seen any change in recovery speed.

osd_recovery_sleep_ssd": "0.000000
^^ default for SSD

The whole cluster is idle, ODSs have very low load. What can be the
reason for the slow recovery? Something is holding it back but I cannot
think of what.

Ceph Luminous 12.2.2 (bluestore on lvm, all SSD)



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