
It is very useful to "set up expectations" from a performance perspective

I have a  cluster using 3 DELL R620 with 64 GB RAM and  10 GB cluster

I've seen numerous posts and articles about the topic mentioning the
following formula
( for disks WAL/DB on it )

OSD / replication / 2

My HDD are capable of 150 MB/s
If I have 6 OSDs, expected throughput should be aroung 250 MB/s  for a pool
withe replication =2
( 150 x 6 / 2 / 2 )

How would one asses the impact of using SSD for WAL/DB i.e what performance
gains should I expect ?
  adding an 500MB/s SDD for every 2 HDD

Should I expect that kind of throuput on the client ( e.g Windows VM
running on datastore create on RBD image shared via iSCSI ) ?

The reason I am asking is that despite rados bench meeting the expectaion,
local performance test are 4 times worse

rados bench -p rbd 120 write --no-cleanup && rados bench -p rbd  120 seq

Total time run:         120.813979
Total writes made:      6182
Write size:             4194304
Object size:            4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):     204.678
Stddev Bandwidth:       36.2292
Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 280
Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 44
Average IOPS:           51
Stddev IOPS:            9
Max IOPS:               70
Min IOPS:               11
Average Latency(s):     0.312613
Stddev Latency(s):      0.524001
Max latency(s):         2.61579
Min latency(s):         0.0113714

Total time run:       113.850422
Total reads made:     6182
Read size:            4194304
Object size:          4194304
Bandwidth (MB/sec):   217.197
Average IOPS:         54
Stddev IOPS:          7
Max IOPS:             80
Min IOPS:             31
Average Latency(s):   0.293956
Max latency(s):       1.99958
Min latency(s):       0.0192862

Local test using CrystalDiskMark

57 MB/s seq read
43 MB/s seq write
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