
I'm experimenting with CEPH and have seen that ceph-deploy and ceph-ansible have the EPEL repositories as requirement, when installing CEPH on CENTOS hosts. Due to the nature of the EPEL repos this might cause trouble (i.e. when combining CEPH with oVirt on the same host). When using the CEPH repos from the storage-SIG of centos EPEL is not needed, so I'm asking whether it is still required to explicitly require installation of the EPEL repository when using the official ways of installing CEPH? My solution for it was changing the centos_package_dependencies list in the ceph-ansible tree by replacing epel-release with centos-release-ceph-luminous and setting ceph_origin to distro. Would it be an idea to add direct support for the centos SIG packages in ceph-ansible or to decide on when to install epel based on the used package repository?

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