On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 7:27 AM, Bernhard Dick <bernh...@bdick.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with CEPH and have seen that ceph-deploy and ceph-ansible
> have the EPEL repositories as requirement, when installing CEPH on CENTOS
> hosts. Due to the nature of the EPEL repos this might cause trouble (i.e.
> when combining CEPH with oVirt on the same host).
> When using the CEPH repos from the storage-SIG of centos EPEL is not needed,
> so I'm asking whether it is still required to explicitly require
> installation of the EPEL repository when using the official ways of
> installing CEPH?

For vanilla CentOS and download.ceph.com packages, yes, you need EPEL.

If you are using ceph-deploy, you can configure it to use a different
repo (e.g. storage-SIG) with the `--repo-url` flag, or
by configuring the cephdeploy.conf file (see
http://docs.ceph.com/ceph-deploy/docs/conf.html )

That would skip installing EPEL because it is understood that a user
wants to have explicit control on the source of packages.

Unsure for ceph-ansible except for what you've tried (cc'ing the
ceph-ansible list)

> My solution for it was changing the centos_package_dependencies list in the
> ceph-ansible tree by replacing epel-release with
> centos-release-ceph-luminous and setting ceph_origin to distro.
> Would it be an idea to add direct support for the centos SIG packages in
> ceph-ansible or to decide on when to install epel based on the used package
> repository?
>   Regards
>     Bernhard
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