Hello Jason,

I have tried with and without ‘rbd journal pool = rbd’ in the ceph.conf. it 
doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Also, here is the output:

rbd image-meta list RBD-HDD/2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a
There are 0 metadata on this image.
Kind regards,
Glen Baars

From: Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2018 9:00 PM
To: Glen Baars <g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>
Cc: dillaman <dilla...@redhat.com>; ceph-users <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] RBD journal feature

I tried w/ a rbd CLI from 12.2.7 and I still don't have an issue enabling 
journaling on a different pool:

$ rbd info rbd/foo
rbd image 'foo':
               size 1024 MB in 256 objects
               order 22 (4096 kB objects)
               block_name_prefix: rbd_data.101e6b8b4567
               format: 2
               features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, 
               create_timestamp: Tue Aug 14 08:51:19 2018
$ rbd feature enable rbd/foo journaling --journal-pool rbd_ssd
$ rbd journal info --pool rbd --image foo
rbd journal '101e6b8b4567':
               header_oid: journal.101e6b8b4567
               object_oid_prefix: journal_data.1.101e6b8b4567.
               order: 24 (16384 kB objects)
               splay_width: 4
               object_pool: rbd_ssd

Can you please run "rbd image-meta list <image-spec>" to see if you are 
overwriting any configuration settings? Do you have any client configuration 
overrides in your "/etc/ceph/ceph.conf"?

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 8:25 AM Glen Baars 
<g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>> wrote:
Hello Jason,

I will also complete testing of a few combinations tomorrow to try and isolate 
the issue now that we can get it to work with a new image.

The cluster started out at 12.2.3 bluestore so there shouldn’t be any old 
issues from previous versions.
Kind regards,
Glen Baars

From: Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com<mailto:jdill...@redhat.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2018 7:43 PM
To: Glen Baars <g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>>
Cc: dillaman <dilla...@redhat.com<mailto:dilla...@redhat.com>>; ceph-users 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] RBD journal feature

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 4:08 AM Glen Baars 
<g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>> wrote:
Hello Jason,

I can confirm that your tests work on our cluster with a newly created image.

We still can’t get the current images to use a different object pool. Do you 
think that maybe another feature is incompatible with this feature? Below is a 
log of the issue.

I wouldn't think so. I used master branch for my testing but I'll try 12.2.7 
just in case it's an issue that's only in the luminous release.

:~# rbd info RBD_HDD/2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a
rbd image '2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a':
        size 51200 MB in 12800 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.37c8974b0dc51
        format: 2
        features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, deep-flatten
        create_timestamp: Sat May  5 11:39:07 2018

:~# rbd journal info --pool RBD_HDD --image 2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a
rbd: journaling is not enabled for image 2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a

:~# rbd feature enable RBD_HDD/2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a journaling 
--journal-pool RBD_SSD

:~# rbd journal info --pool RBD_HDD --image 2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a
rbd journal '37c8974b0dc51':
        header_oid: journal.37c8974b0dc51
        object_oid_prefix: journal_data.1.37c8974b0dc51.
        order: 24 (16384 kB objects)
        splay_width: 4
***************<NOTE NO object_pool> ****************

:~# rbd info RBD_HDD/2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a
rbd image '2ef34a96-27e0-4ae7-9888-fd33c38f657a':
        size 51200 MB in 12800 objects
        order 22 (4096 kB objects)
        block_name_prefix: rbd_data.37c8974b0dc51
        format: 2
        features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, 
deep-flatten, journaling
        create_timestamp: Sat May  5 11:39:07 2018
        journal: 37c8974b0dc51
        mirroring state: disabled

Kind regards,
Glen Baars
From: Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com<mailto:jdill...@redhat.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2018 12:04 AM
To: Glen Baars <g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>>
Cc: dillaman <dilla...@redhat.com<mailto:dilla...@redhat.com>>; ceph-users 
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] RBD journal feature

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 12:13 AM Glen Baars 
<g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>> wrote:
Hello Jason,

Interesting, I used ‘rados ls’ to view the SSDPOOL and can’t see any objects. 
Is this the correct way to view the journal objects?

You won't see any journal objects in the SSDPOOL until you issue a write:

$ rbd create --size 1G --image-feature exclusive-lock rbd_hdd/test
$ rbd bench --io-type=write --io-pattern=rand --io-size=4K --io-total=16M 
rbd_hdd/test --rbd-cache=false
bench  type write io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 16777216 pattern random
    1       320    332.01  1359896.98
    2       736    360.83  1477975.96
    3      1040    351.17  1438393.57
    4      1392    350.94  1437437.51
    5      1744    350.24  1434576.94
    6      2080    349.82  1432866.06
    7      2416    341.73  1399731.23
    8      2784    348.37  1426930.69
    9      3152    347.40  1422966.67
   10      3520    356.04  1458356.70
   11      3920    361.34  1480050.97
elapsed:    11  ops:     4096  ops/sec:   353.61  bytes/sec: 1448392.06
$ rbd feature enable rbd_hdd/test journaling --journal-pool rbd_ssd
$ rbd journal info --pool rbd_hdd --image test
rbd journal '10746b8b4567':
                header_oid: journal.10746b8b4567
                object_oid_prefix: journal_data.2.10746b8b4567.
                order: 24 (16 MiB objects)
                splay_width: 4
                object_pool: rbd_ssd
$ rbd bench --io-type=write --io-pattern=rand --io-size=4K --io-total=16M 
rbd_hdd/test --rbd-cache=false
bench  type write io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 16777216 pattern random
    1       240    248.54  1018005.17
    2       512    263.47  1079154.06
    3       768    258.74  1059792.10
    4      1040    258.50  1058812.60
    5      1312    258.06  1057001.34
    6      1536    258.21  1057633.14
    7      1792    253.81  1039604.73
    8      2032    253.66  1038971.01
    9      2256    241.41  988800.93
   10      2480    237.87  974335.65
   11      2752    239.41  980624.20
   12      2992    239.61  981440.94
   13      3200    233.13  954887.84
   14      3440    237.36  972237.80
   15      3680    239.47  980853.37
   16      3920    238.75  977920.70
elapsed:    16  ops:     4096  ops/sec:   245.04  bytes/sec: 1003692.81
$ rados -p rbd_ssd ls | grep journal_data.2.10746b8b4567.

rbd feature enable SLOWPOOL/RBDImage journaling --journal-pool SSDPOOL
The symptoms that we are experiencing is a huge decrease in write speed ( 1QD 
128K writes from 160MB/s down to 14MB/s ). We see no improvement when moving 
the journal to SSDPOOL ( but we don’t think it is really moving )

If you are trying to optimize for 128KiB writes, you might need to tweak the 
"rbd_journal_max_payload_bytes" setting since it currently is defaulted to 
split journal write events into a maximum of 16KiB payload [1] in order to 
optimize the worst-case memory usage of the rbd-mirror daemon for environments 
w/ hundreds or thousands of replicated images.

Kind regards,
Glen Baars

From: Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com<mailto:jdill...@redhat.com>>
Sent: Saturday, 11 August 2018 11:28 PM
To: Glen Baars <g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>>
Cc: ceph-users <ceph-users@lists.ceph.com<mailto:ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] RBD journal feature

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:01 AM Glen Baars 
<g...@onsitecomputers.com.au<mailto:g...@onsitecomputers.com.au>> wrote:
Hello Ceph Users,

I am trying to implement image journals for our RBD images ( required for 
mirroring )

rbd feature enable SLOWPOOL/RBDImage journaling --journal-pool SSDPOOL

When we run the above command we still find the journal on the SLOWPOOL and not 
on the SSDPOOL. We are running 12.2.7 and all bluestore. We have also tried the 
ceph.conf option (rbd journal pool = SSDPOOL )
Has anyone else gotten this working?
The journal header was on SLOWPOOL or the journal data objects? I would expect 
that the journal metadata header is located on SLOWPOOL but all data objects 
should be created on SSDPOOL as needed.

Kind regards,
Glen Baars
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[1] https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/master/src/common/options.cc#L6600

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