This issue first started while using Luminous 12.2.5, I upgraded to 12.2.7 and 
it's still present.  This issue is _not_ present in 12.2.4.

With Ceph 12.2.4, using QEMU/KVM + Libvirt, I'm able to mount an rbd image 
using the following syntax and populated xml:

'virsh attach-device $vm foo.xml --persistent'

xml contents:
<disk type='network' device='disk' snapshot='no'>
  <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback' discard='unmap'/>
   <source protocol='rbd' name='libvirt-pool/foo'>
     <host name='X.X.X.X' port='xxxx'/>
     <host name='X.X.X.X' port='xxxx'/>
     <host name='X.X.X.X' port='xxxx'/>
    <auth username='libvirt'>
      <secret type='ceph' uuid='XXXX'/>
    <target dev='sdb' bus='scsi'/>

I receive this error:
~# virsh attach-device $vm foo.xml --persistent
error: Failed to attach device from foo.xml
error: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'device_add': Property 
'' can't find value 'drive-scsi0-0-0-1'

I've tried different things with the XML, but nothing seems to work, always 
failing with the above error.  This does _not_ happen with our cluster running 
12.2.4, the same exact command with a cluster using an identical configuration 
(for all intents and purposes).

Any thoughts?  Hard to believe I'm the only one to hit this if it's indeed a 
bug, but I haven't found anyone else having the issue through interweb searches.

oVirt use this settings. Don't have issues since Jewel. Now on Luminous 12.2.5.

        <disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="network">
            <address bus="0" controller="0" target="0" type="drive" unit="0" />             <source name="replicated_rbd_nvme/volume-06f11659-073a-4407-899e-1cc7fa002f05" protocol="rbd">
                <host name="" port="6789" transport="tcp" />
                <host name="" port="6789" transport="tcp" />
                <host name="" port="6789" transport="tcp" />
            <auth username="<snip>">
                <secret type="ceph" uuid="<snap>" />
            <target bus="scsi" dev="sda" />
            <boot order="2" />
            <driver cache="none" error_policy="stop" io="threads" name="qemu" type="raw" /> </disk>


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