I'll try it out again - last I tried it complanied about older clients -
it should be better now.
upmap is supported since kernel 4.13.

Second - should the reweights be set back to 1 then?
Yes, also:

1. `ceph osd crush tunables optimal`

2. All your buckets should be straw2, but in case `ceph osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2`

3. Your hosts imbalanced: elefant & capone have only eight 10TB's, another hosts - 12. So I recommend replace 8TB's spinners to 10TB or just shuffle it between hosts, like 2x8TB+10x10Tb.

4. Revert all your reweights.

5. Balancer do his work: `ceph balancer mode upmap`, `ceph balancer on`.


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