On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 12:55 AM William Ferrell <wil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 6:37 PM Peter Woodman <pe...@shortbus.org> wrote:
> >
> > 2GB ram is gonna be really tight, probably.
> Bummer. So it won't be enough for any Ceph component to run reliably?

2 GB is tough for an OSD. The main problem is recovery. If you attempt
this: the trick is the use fewer PGs per OSD than recommended.

Paul Emmerich

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> Drat. The nice thing about the HC2 is the fact that it can power the
> attached SATA disk and itself through one barrel connector and
> includes a stackable case to mount the disk and act as a heat sink.
> Would have been so easy to stack those up and use fewer cables/power
> adapters to do it. I wish I could convince the Hardkernel guys to drop
> a new model with this form factor that uses their 64-bit 4GB chipset.
> > However, I do something similar at home with a bunch of rock64 4gb boards, 
> > and it works well.
> Nice! Would you mind describing your setup in more detail? It's
> encouraging to hear this works on arm (I wasn't sure if that was still
> supported). I'm also curious how you manage all the power supplies,
> cables and disks. Assuming you're using external 3.5" USB 3 disks that
> require their own power, you're already at 8 power adapters for just 4
> nodes.
> > There are sometimes issues with the released ARM packages (frequently crc32 
> > doesn;'t work, which isn't great), so you may have to build your own on the 
> > board you're targeting or on something like scaleway, YMMV.
> Thanks, that's good to know.
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