Sorry for distracting you from important things, but I have a question for 
people more knowledgeable about routing than I am...

There's a person on the OpenWrt forum who is asking about using the 
netblock for some (undefined) purpose. (If you're terminally curious, or need 
another reason to yell at the monitor, you could look at:

MY QUESTION: I have always believed that this netblock is not routable. Is this 
true? (A simple yes/no answer would be sufficient.)

Many thanks!


PS I've seen the IANA advice that those addresses should not be used. (See the 
final note on the thread.) I'm more interested in whether it would ever work in 
practice: don't most upstreams block that address?

PPS for all you non-Vermonters, "wicked" in this context means "extremely", 
often in an interesting way
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