#162: OGC WKT-CRS reference
 Reporter:  markh           |      Owner:  cf-conventions@…
     Type:  defect          |     Status:  new
 Priority:  high            |  Milestone:
Component:  cf-conventions  |    Version:
 Keywords:                  |
 In reviewing the draft for CF 1.7, up to
 (Jul 18th 2017)

 I note that the references to Well Known Text Coordinate Reference Systems

 link to an OGC resource, OGC_CTS
 which does not define WKT_CRS or the encodings for that standard.

 With regard to the OGC, the definition of Coordinate Reference Systems
 should refer to
 as an OGC information page, or
 (currently the latest version)

 Indeed, this standard is a joint OGC - ISO standard, defining WKT_CRS and
 has been in the public domain for some time.  It is also defined by ISO as

 There is a push from the OGC to ensure that reference to this standard is
 taking place, not to previous, unmaintained cross references.  I have
 recently been asked to follow up on this by our local OGC representative,
 following their last technical committee meeting, as an explicit action.

 I propose that the references to OGC_CTS in the document be replaced with
 references to OGC_WKT_CRS and refer to the joint ISO, OGC standard, via
 the OGC who put the standard into the public domain, able to be read by


 I think that it would be helpful to link to the maintained WKT_CRS
 standard before the CF1.7 document is published.

 I am marking this as a defect, I will prepare a github change to reflect
 this, once we have established that this is a useful course of action.

 Given the imminent nature of CF 1.7, please may I request a fairly swift
 response on whether this approach is deemed suitable by document

 many thanks


Ticket URL: <https://cf-trac.llnl.gov/trac/ticket/162>
CF Metadata <http://cf-convention.github.io/>
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