Knowing what drivers are like on I-66 I wouldn't be surprised.
Actually in this area its almost a guarantee of a near (if not) fatal
accident. Those drivers are dangerous.

I drive a MIni and in this area I have to be very alert to all those
over-sized SUVs whose drivers are usually talking on their cell
phones, eating breakfast, putting on makeup etc. A few weeks ago I had
to replace a rim and tire after being forced off the pavement because
of an SUV driver not paying attention.
Another example I remember from last year, I was giving my wife a ride
to work and saw some nit actually reading the paper and drinking
coffee while traffic was going about 25mph or so.

Motorcycles are even more at a risk from those geniuses in this area.

While this can be a nice area to live and work, the DC/MD/NoVA area
has about the most congested traffic in the country, just behind the
LA region. So if you are moving into this area you have to take that
into account. For instance my wife works in Bethesda, MD while we live
on the western edge of Northern Virginia. Its about 35 to 40 miles one
way. During rush hour if you're lucky it takes about an hour and a
quarter to an hour and a half. If you're not, the trip can take over 2
hours easily.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Scott Stewart <> wrote:
> I think he means riding between lanes of stopped traffic.. which on
> the east coast may introduce a motorcyclist to the inside of a car
> door fairly quickly...
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
>> I may be confused. What do you mean by split lanes?
>> On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:53 PM, RobG <> wrote:
>>> On 11/8/10 10:39 AM, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
>>>> HOV regulations in Virginia allow motorcycles to use the HOV lanes and
>>>> I-66 inside the beltway during rush hour.
>>> Yeah that's a federal law, in fact.  But being able to split lanes saves
>>> a TON of time when traffic inevitably slows down... likewise filtering
>>> to the front of traffic lights between cars is also a huge time-saver.
>>> AND (at the risk of sounding like a PDA), studies have shown that it's
>>> SAFER than not splitting because you're much less likely to get rear-ended.
>>> I can get anywhere in the SF Bay Area or Los Angeles basin in 1/3 the
>>> time it takes in a car.  I cut my own commute in LA from 45 minutes (9
>>> miles each way) to 15 minutes because of lane splitting.
>>> Rob

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