On 11/8/10 12:07 PM, Larry C. Lyons wrote:
> Knowing what drivers are like on I-66 I wouldn't be surprised.

No offense but everybody says this about just about everywhere.  We all 
think we live with the worst drivers. :)

> I drive a MIni and in this area I have to be very alert to all those
> over-sized SUVs whose drivers are usually talking on their cell
> phones, eating breakfast, putting on makeup etc. A few weeks ago I had
> to replace a rim and tire after being forced off the pavement because
> of an SUV driver not paying attention.

This is why (whether in a car or on a bike), I stay away from clumps of 
traffic.  It's just inviting disaster, but even moreso on a bike. 
People will notice you if you give them a reason to notice you.  Staying 
near them in traffic at the same speed is akin to having a cloaking 
device, no matter how many lights you might have on.

Also no offense, but if you think you're alert in your car, try riding a 
motorcycle.  Stuff that would just piss you off would kill us, so we 
learn very quickly to predict what other cars are going to do before 
they do it, and avoid it.

> While this can be a nice area to live and work, the DC/MD/NoVA area
> has about the most congested traffic in the country, just behind the
> LA region.

Yeah I think LA is probably the worst in congestion, which is why lane 
splitting works so well.

I think the concept can be successfully introduced to any area.  It can 
be easily billed as "pro-green" because motorcycles get easily double 
the gas mileage of a car (3x that of an SUV).  They're smaller, easier 
to park, as of the last few years, they have the same emissions controls 
as cars so they're clean-burning too.

But with a proper "introduction" to the public... i.e. pass the law 
legalizing it, but don't "activate" it for a month or so, and then let 
the local TV news and newspapers advertise it.  Make it known that the 
cops aren't going to tolerate cars messing with bikes, but at the same 
time, they expect riders to be equally courteous of cars.

I'm actively working with a local state rep here in Oregon to get lane 
splitting legalized in 2011.  If there's any way to make it happen, I'm 
going to make it happen.


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