twhiteaker commented on this pull request.

> +
+For all geometry types except __point__, in which each geometry contains a 
single node, when more than one geometry is present, the geometry container 
variable must have a **`node_count`** attribute that contains the name of a 
variable indicating the count of nodes per geometry. 
+The node count is the total nodes in all the parts. 
+For __multiline__, __multipolygon__, and __polygons__ with holes, the geometry 
container variable must have a **`part_node_count`** attribute indicates a 
variable of the count of nodes per geometry part. 
+Note that because multipoint geometries always have a single node per part, 
the **`part_node_count`** is not required. 
+The single dimension of the part node count variable should equal the total 
number of parts in all the geometries.
+For __polygon__ and __multipolygon__ geometries with holes, the geometry 
container variable must have an **`interior_ring`** attribute that contains the 
name of a variable that indicates if the polygon parts are interior rings 
(i.e., holes) or not. 
+This interior ring variable should contain the value 0 to indicate an exterior 
ring polygon and 1 to indicate an interior ring polygon. 
+The single dimension of the interior ring variable should be the same 
dimension as that of the part node count variable.
+[caption="Example 7.15. "]
+.A multipolygon with holes

@dblodgett-usgs incorporated a data variable into the example. Scroll to the 
end of the latest version (as I am typing this) here:

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