@graybeal I am also in favor of the "black box" approach to WKT. We should 
accept the work of the experts that develop WKT and define CRSs using it, and 
trust the registered WKT strings for different CRSs. Someone can always produce 
an incorrect WKT CRS string, but someone can also produce an incorrect grid 
mapping variable. The CF checker doesn't try to verify the exact contents of 
grid mapping variables, so I don't see why we should involve ourselves with 
verifying the exact contents of WKT CRS strings.

(Mild rant alert)

The great majority of CF files don't contain grid mapping information. A number 
of  those that do contain incorrect information — either improperly chosen 
attributes or incorrect values for the attributes. (Based on the small sample 
of datasets that I've QC'd, most of the producers who add grid mapping get it 
wrong.) Tools that are able to use grid mapping attributes and attempt to use 
any of these files will not produce "best" results, and will in some cases 
produce crazy results. I am therefore not overly swayed by the appeal to issues 
for existing software. Existing tools that use grid mapping variables do so 
because that was the mechanism which was provided. If we had provided WKT or 
Proj strings from the beginning, those are what existing software would be 

I confess that I haven't done the work to prove it, but I believe that the CF 
grid mapping attributes are insufficient to fully represent most CRSs, even the 
ones that we claim to support. They are sufficient if your spatial accuracy and 
precision is rougher than a kilometer or so, but if you are are concerned about 
meter-level (or better) accuracy in all three spatial dimensions, I don't think 
we support enough of the attributes needed to do so.

I think we should be encouraging software tool developers to embrace WKT 
(and/or Proj) CRS declarations instead of viewing them as second-class citizens 
in CF-land. I'd love to see a day arrive when we decided to deprecate grid 
mapping attributes for new files.

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