one small additional nota about Python and Unicode:

The post Jim pointed us to:

Is now six years old -- and many of the issues brought up have been addressed.

And the the author of that post has another post on the dangers of refereeing 
back to such older opinions:

Another issue with that discussion is that it's written from the perspective of 
what some folks in the community are calling "byte slingers": Those that write 
libraries and the like that deal with binary data and protocols. And the fact 
is that Python3's String model is NOT as well suited to those use cases. But it 
is massively better suited to most more "casual" use cases. In that post, he 
refers to "beginners", but it's not beginners, it's anyone that does not 
understand the subtleties of binary data, encodings, and the like. Which is 
most of us "scientific programers".

Bringing this back to CF: For CF, ideally we would choose an approach that is 
well suited to the "Normal scientific programmer", and leave the 
encoding/decoding to the libraries.  And have confidence that the  "byte 
slingers" will correctly write the libraries to match the standard, and make 
things "just work" for most users.

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