Hi all - The paragraph in the [rules 
 ) that mentions deprecation seems focused on recent (or even the most recent) 
changes/versions. The paragraph starts with
> If the change, once implemented in the conventions, subsequently turns out to 
> be materially flawed … a github issue should urgently be opened to discuss 
> whether to revoke the change.

This “ocean sigma over z” deprecation would affect all pre-1.9 versions of CF.  
So there is no change to revoke. How to handle this situation seems unclear, 
though I lean towards agreement with @JonathanGregory and @pp-mo that it should 
be more granular than entire versions.

Given all that, I think Jonathan’s text looks good.

So as not to slow down the resolution of this issue, I propose we move further 
discussion of the rules around deprecation to a new issue. (I’ll create an 
issue shortly for further discussion.)

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