Hi all - As I mentioned in issue #314, there are a number of deprecations in 
the current CF specification. Two involve backwards compatibility with COARDS 
and have been in CF since version 1.0, one of these involves non-compliance 
with Udunints and the other with temporary(?) deprecation in the NUG. The rest 
are more recent changes.

Here’s the list of the deprecations currently found in CF 1.9-draft:

- “The units `level`, `layer`, and `sigma_level` are allowed for dimensionless 
vertical coordinates to maintain backwards compatibility with COARDS. These 
units are not compatible with Udunits and are deprecated …”
  - Paragraph four of Section [3.1. 
  - Similar text in Section [4.3.2 Dimensionless Vertical 
  - Since CF 1.0

- The standard name modifiers `number_of_observations` and `status_flag` are 
deprecated in favor of standard names `number_of_observations` and `status_flag`
  - In [Appendix C: Standard Name 
  - Added in CF 1.7

- The use of `projection_x_coordinate` and `projection_y_coordinate` standard 
names are deprecated for use with the “geostationary” grid mapping. Instead 
`projection_x_angular_coordinate` and `projection_y_angular_coordinate` 
standard names should be used.
  - See Appendix F: “Grid Mappings” [Section “Geostationary 
  - Added in CF 1.9

- The use of `standard_parallel` and `scale_factor_at_projection_origin` 
attributes are marked as deprecated (without explanation) for use with the  
“lambert_cylindrical_equal_area” grid mapping
  - See Appendix F: “Grid Mappings” [Section “Lambert Cylindrical Equal 
  - Added in CF 1.7

- The `missing_value` variable attribute - originally allowed for backward 
compatibility with COARDS but deprecated by NUG and then reinstated in later 
  - CF 1.0 through 1.6, considered deprecated by NUG but allowed in CF for 
backward compatibility with COARDS.
  - CF 1.7 reinstates the use of the `missing_value` variable attribute
      - No discussion of why. Was there a NUG update?
  - See two items in [Section “Revision 

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