Correction to what I wrote yesterday:

> You would also like to be able to provide intervals when not symmetrical. 
> That could be done by adding a size-one dimension for probability or 
> percentile, with bounds to specify the interval e.g. 
> `air_temperature(time,lat,lon,probability)`, where `probability` is a 
> size-one coordinate or scalar coordinate variable. This could be identified 
> with a syntax such as `cell_methods="probability: expanded_uncertainty"`. I 
> think that's the term the GUM uses, isn't it? It could also be called e.g. 
> `uncertainty_bounds`. 

Since the uncertainty variable is like a data variable, it doesn't have bounds. 
I was getting confused. Here, `probability` should be a dimension of size two, 
with a coordinate variable `probability(probability)` to contain the 
probability values, such as `0.05, 0.95` for a 5-95% interval. We would need to 
introduce some appropriate standard name for this "probability", to indicate 
its role in defining a confidence limit.

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