Dear @kenkehoe

You write

> Requiring the data producer to explain the full process in a `cell_methods` 
> attribute that the data user will only glance at is an excessive requirement 
> on the data producer, if even possible

and I agree that that. I didn't suggest such a requirement myself. In*issuecomment-904586884__;Iw!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!lkfdJNIu6LL1jWZiX6DukQNDR9SRz_kRTP6Msq1-SXTbqXxbTsq7PsWOAzZ9GuOzYxVMtcXVaXo$
  I wrote,

> I agree that what I sketched above is insufficient to deal with your more 
> complex description of uncertainty computations. ... I agree that some 
> further attributes may be needed to provide information about how the 
> uncertainty is derived.

The detailed description which you give in these two examples is probably too 
cumbersome for `cell_methods`, as you say, and maybe `comment` is where it 
should go, as you have shown. Omitting the `comment` and `missing_value` and 
using shorter variable names for brevity, my suggestion for these examples 
would be

float random(time);
   random:standard_name = "something";
   random:long_name = "Random uncertainty in calibration_e_LH";
   random:units = "1";
   random:cell_methods = "uncertainty: standard_error (statistical)";

float systematic(time);
   systematic:standard_name = "something";
   systematic:long_name = "Systematic uncertainty in calibration_e_LH";
   systematic:units = "1";
   systematic:cell_methods = "uncertainty: standard_error (subjective)";

I don't know what quantity this is so I can't suggest the standard name! But it 
doesn't need a modifier in this suggestion.

> If we are making the process of determining if a variable is an uncertainty 
> more difficult than just searching a `comment` attribute for the word 
> _uncertainty_, we are making things too complicated.

The proposal is that to determine whether a variable contains an uncertainty 
you would search the `cell_methods` attribute for the word `uncertainty:`. 
That's just the same level of complexity as you advocate. The next word in the 
attribute states the kind of statistic which is used to measure the uncertainty 
(`standard_error` in this case).

The next word (the comment in `()`) indicates whether it is random or 
systematic (which I called `statistical` and `subjective` following the GUM, 
which you cited). As I said before, the assumption elsewhere in CF (standard 
names in particular) is that the absence of a qualification implies the "whole 
thing". Following this, if the `cell_methods` `uncertainty` entry contains 
neither `statistical` nor `subjective`, we assume it is the "total" error.

Best wishes


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