> What amazes me is the number of people who consider themselves senior cold
> fusion programmers, and have never used the query builder, or even know
> about it.   Apparently the little build button in the query tag edit has
> completely escaped their attention.

I would "NOT" call myself and "advanced" CF developer, however; the studio
query tool is good for about helping you remember the names of the tables
and columns of the db  and thats about it - especially in sql server -
otherwise SQL7 EM / ER Studio or Visual Interdev  (IMO) provide far superior
DB design and query tools. I like the ability in Visual Interdev for
example, to edit the table data when testing stuff.  Typically anything that
studio's db toolset can do, can be coded by hand.  Noticebly absent is gui
for stored proc's.  Besides the missing functionality... its slooooow (on my

Now if we could drag and drop column and table names from the window on the
left (thats where I have it) into the cfml/html code on the right window
pane... then we'd have a productive db tool.  (Hint Hint Hint)

> I cannot imagine trying to code Cold Fusion apps using anything but CF
> Studio.  Kinda like trying to build a house without a hammer or nails.

As customizable a studio is for CF... its da bomb...


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