>>In Ben Forta's book, Web Application Construction Kit, he has a whole
>>chapter on Crystal Reports and another on using Versions 2.0, both of
>>which he says are shipped with ColdFusion.
>>Not in mine.
>>Was I swindled?   Was Ben mistaken?  Has the policy of inclusions changed
>>since then?

I purchased the Enterprise version of 4.0, and there was no CR in there...at
least, not the frontend designer tool.  Apparently, an essential part of the
CR engine is built into the ColdFusion executables; you use Crystal Reports
to design the report, then you embed the path to the report on your hard
drive into a CF template (think CFInclude...).  The CF Engine executes the
report, and returns the output as HTML.


Personally I fail to see the logic, but I suppose that it would help by
allowing non-HTML designers on staff (READ AS: Accounting Wonks Who Don't
Know Jack About Tables But Are UTTERLY ANAL About Their Reports) to design
the reports as they want them to appear, thus freeing you to do more
important things.

Like getting Freeman out of Black Mesa again, for instance.

Brandon Whitaker
"It'll get used by the same people using Opera.  People dressed in black
wearing berets."
- Dave Watts, on Mozilla
"The net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore

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