Yeah I get this sometimes too. I think it has something to do with IIS
a hold on the image and not letting anything else touch it. It only happens
I do and upload, look at the result on the website then try and upload

-- Ric Smith

> I am uploading a file using CFFILE that can then be immediately viewed on
> web page.  The steps I am taking are:
> 1. Check for occurances of an old file with the same name
> 2. If found, delete it
> 3. Upload the new file to a temp directory
> 4. Move the file from the temp directory to the production directory and
> rename it at the same time (while keeping its original extension).
> At step 4, I sometimes get this error:
> Unable to move file 'C:\web\server\path\images\temp\abcdefg.jpg' to path
> 'C:\web\server\path\images\picture.jpg'. Access is denied. (error 5)
> The error is intermittent. Anyone know why this would happen?  I know it's
> not complaining about overwriting the old file, since it has already been
> deleted but this point .. I'm lost.
> .Todd
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