Heya all!

Yet another cry for help from a newbie lost in the <CForest>. [Forgive
me, I had to work that OT theme in here somehow... =P]

I want to validate a field to make sure the amount of time entered is in
increments of 1/4 hour. I see that I can use the onvalidate="" attribute
to call a JS function to test it. So far so good. I figure it will also
be a fairly easy check, just divide the time entered by .25 and check for
an integer. Still logical, I think...

My question is, the javascript to validate it will go on the page with
the form, correct? Not on the page that is called when the form is
processed? Hope this isn't too obvious a question, but the book doesn't
make that clear, and I don't have any js code written to test it yet
(I'll also gladly accept js advice if there are any more experienced
coders out there...I just know enough js thus far to make pretty button
effects and basically wing it with anything more advanced!)


James Mathieson

Kurtis & Associates, P.C.
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 328-4500 (voice)
(202) 328-1231 (fax)

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