> Just checked the mem usage on my cf server - over 80 megs!
> Whoa.  That's never good. Of course, that was in a shared
> hosting environment, so people are probably running all sorts
> of junk code.  After restarting the CF services, mem usage
> droped down to 16 megs.
> Oh yah - that was on Win 2000 / CF 4.5 Pro
> Looks like I'll be restarting cfserver more often ;-).

It's not necessarily bad. As long as CF 4.5.x's memory usage reaches a
stable ceiling, even if it's over 80 Mb, that's OK. You might want to let it
go for a while to see if you have any memory leaks; if you don't, then the
memory usage itself doesn't matter. In a shared hosting environment, though,
you are more likely to encounter memory leaks in database drivers, I
suppose, since who knows what's being used. You might want to read this:


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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