> Okay, well that's completely unacceptable.  I'm using CF 4.5
> and I haven't run one script since I rebooted, and it's using
> 15 megs of ram. I am also going to be offering it in a shared
> hosting environment, and 180 megs of unacceptable also. I checked
> MS' Site and they are having problems with Win2k leaking memory
> in the first place and I tried to get the SP1 for 2k but they are
> still in beta with it.  It's got to be a mem leak because homesite
> is using 22,000k and sql server hit 80,000k with VERY light usage.
> If cf 4.5 uses that much memory by default, I'm going to have to
> switch back to asp.....

CF 4.5.x doesn't use that much by default; it depends on what you're doing,
and how much stuff you load into memory. For example, to enhance application
performance, you might decide to cache recordsets in CF. This is a good
thing, performance-wise, but if you do this, CF will have to store them in
memory. Likewise, some database drivers tend to require lots of memory to do
something, and afterwards, CF won't release the memory in the assumption
that it will be needed later. This isn't an issue, as long as there aren't
any memory leaks within CF or within any components used by CF. I'm fairly
confident that there aren't any memory leaks in CF itself; I've done a bit
of testing for that. I'm not confident about database components in general,

As for Win2K, I can't say anything about how CF runs on it in a production
environment. I run it on my laptop, and it works fine, but I don't get that
much traffic on my laptop.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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