I agree, and you can sorta do that now. ;-)

Look at this:

<cfparam name="attributes.return">
<cfparam name="attributes.x">
<cfset temp = SetVariable("caller.#attributes.return#", attributes.x * attributes.x)>

<cfset y = 5>
<cf_squareit return = "z" x = 5>

It would be cleaner to say z = squareit(5), but the two really are the same.


<<< [EMAIL PROTECTED]  5/12  5:11p >>>
> Hopefully CF5 will have the ability to create functions in cfscript   more
> functionally in cfscript generally.

What would be cool is if we could write functions _also_ in CFML much like a
custom tag but with the ability to return a value then we  can do away
with the break in modularity by writing a return for a simple custom tag straight
into a variable in the caller.

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