> i'm afraid i'd have to disagree with that.  i may not "use" anything
> i learned in college in respect that they never taught me ASP,
> CF, IIS, etc. however, the concept of a stack, queue, linked list,
> structure, array, etc., is universal to languages (ok, well, most
> languages).  it is in *understanding* the concepts of these things
> that college shows its value. because of this (fairly) solid
> foundation in programming *theory*, i am better able to leverage
> my skill sets in languages i know.  more importantly, they help
> me in learning something new. when you boil it down, all languages
> are the same (ok, there are sub-types of programming languages
> (procedural, functional, OO)), all you need to know is where
> to put the semi colons.

I have to second that. I didn't get a CS education, and I had to learn all
that stuff the hard way, while I was learning how to use a specific
language. The underlying concepts are really the hard part; specific
language implementation is relatively easy.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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