At 01:14 PM 5/15/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I completely agree with you.  The main thing I got out of my comp sci degree
>was the ability to think more logically.  And, boy, do I know how to sort
>(bubble, merge, radix, quicksort)!
>Woo Hoo!!  Let the fun begin!
>Stephanie Cunningham
>Web System Developer
>Exclusive Provider of Internet LifeCycle Services(sm)
> - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>407-206-0788 - 407-206-0826 FAX

The main skills I look for in people coming to work here are 
logic/analysis, critical thinking, an understanding of algorithms, and a 
good grasp of data and information movement and storage.  I've known some 
people who gathered those skills in a CIS program.  I've known more who got 
them elsewhere.  I personally went the hardcore nerd route and got a math 
degree. :-)


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