
Not a problem getting back.  I have never tried to do a pack via ODBC.
Pack is a native FoxPro command and as such I don't believe you can do it
from the ODBC driver.

It sounds like in order to physically remove the records you will need to
write a FoxPro program that will pack the database for you.  BTW, to do a
pack you will need exclusive use of the table(s).  So part of this process
will be to insure that everyone is out of the database before doing the
pack, or it will fail.

Are you having problems when the records are deleted having them retrieved?
 The way we deal with this is to have a field in the record that marks the
record as "deleted" without relying on FoxPro's deleted flag.  Usually we
use a DateTime field like tablename_deleted_datetime.  The default value of
this field is NULL and when we want to delete the record we store the
current datetime in the field.  Then when we select records we add 'AND
ISNULL(table_deleted_datetime)' to the where clause to filter these
records.  Make sure to set an index on the table for this field so your
query is Rushmore Optimizable.

FYI, if it appears that my responses are a bit slow I appologize.  I'm on
vacation from 5/15 until 5/30 but, as you can tell, I do check my E-Mail
once a day.  Also I only get the digest version so depending on when the
CF-Talk is delivered and I check mail will dictate when I reply.

Talk to you soon.

Bill Grover
Supervisor, IS
EU Services, Inc.
649 N Horners Ln
Rockville MD 20850

Phone:  301-424-3300 x396
FAX:    301-424-3300 x1396#

---- Original Message ----
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 15:51:53 +0100
From: Michael O Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Boolean fields in Foxpro
Message-ID: <ECE6504EA487D3118D8A00805F59102E7EB2BA@NT_BACKUP>


Apologies for not replying. The ISDN link for web and e-mail died on
Thursday and didn't come back until today.
After removing the Boolean field from the table, I discovered that the
numeric field I assumed was working correctly had been causing my problem
all along.
I am now able to add, modify and delete records using SQL.
I now have another problem. In Foxpro, records are marked for deletion. They
are only actually deleted when a PACK command is issued.
SQL delete command's only mark the record deleted. 
I want to schedule a .cfm which will pack all the tables once a week.

Do you know anything about sending 'PACK' command to Foxpro within SQL.
I'm sure this problem would affect all Xbase derived databases.

Michael O'Reilly
Analyst Programmer

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