All this simply argues that reusing the same name in different scopes is 
rightly considered bad practice. Note that this collision is *exactly* the 
same as in Java where arguments scope takes priority over instance scope.

On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 01:29 , Hal Helms wrote:

> Look at this code, Matt, for a Quandry.cfc:
> <cfcomponent hint="I am a Quandry">
>       <cfset salary = "200000">
>       <cfset taxRate = "0.57">
>       <cffunction name="setSalary" access="public">
>               <cfargument name="salary" type="numeric">
>               <cfset salary = arguments.salary>
>       </cffunction>
>       <cffunction
>               name="reportNetIncome"
>               access="public">
>               <cfreturn salary - computeTaxes()>
>       </cffunction>
>       <cffunction name="computeTaxes" access="private"
> returntype="numeric">
>               <cfreturn salary * taxRate>
>       </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> Here's some test code:
> <cfset q = CreateObject( 'component', 'Quandry' )>
> <cfoutput>
>       I netted #DollarFormat( q.reportNetIncome() )# this year.
> </cfoutput>
> It outputs $86,000, as expected.
> Now use this test code:
> <cfset q = CreateObject( 'component', 'Quandry' )>
> <cfset q.setSalary( 500000 )>
> <cfoutput>
>       I netted #DollarFormat( q.reportNetIncome() )# this year.
> </cfoutput>
> It still reports 86,000, indicating that something is amiss in the
> setSalary() method. But if you change the setSalary() method so that the
> argument name is different from the instance variable, like this:
> <cffunction name="setSalary" access="public">
>       <cfargument name="_salary" type="numeric">
>       <cfset salary = arguments._salary>
> </cffunction>
> Then the same test code returns $215,000, a number I think you'll agree
> is much friendlier.
> Hal Helms
> Preorder "Discovering ColdFusion Components (CFCs)" at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 3:54 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFC theory
> Why doesn't your code work? Seems perfectly acceptable to me assuming
> you have already declared score outside of the function.
> Matt Liotta
> President & CEO
> Montara Software, Inc.
> V: 415-577-8070
> F: 415-341-8906
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:58 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: CFC theory
>> Another problem with the unnamed scope is that you can't have this:
>> <cfset score = arguments.score>
>> That puts a needless restriction that instance variables be named
>> differently from arguments and reduces the readability of code, IMHO.
>> Hal Helms
>> Preorder "Discovering ColdFusion Components (CFCs)" at
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Hal Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 3:48 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: CFC theory
>> I agree with you completely, Matt. I object to CFCs using the "this"
>> scope and making this public. It removes virtually all of the benefits
>> of having it. This could easily have been overcome by allowing us to
> set
>> access attributes such as private. But using an "unnamed scope" seems
> to
>> me to be a kludge to get around what should have been implemented.
>> Having a <cfproperty> tag with an access attribute (or some such
>> mechanism) would make perfect sense.
>> The term, OO, is not merely an imprimatur that marketing can annoint a
>> product with if it is to mean anything at all. We should be able to
>> expect that "this" is a private scope, that CFCs would have
> overloadable
>> methods, overloadable constructors, etc.
>> Hal Helms
>> Preorder "Discovering ColdFusion Components (CFCs)" at
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:24 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: CFC theory
>>> Let's see: CFCs have given us a "this" scope which is *public*;
>> instance
>>> variables can't be made private except by the kludge of using an
>> unnamed
>>> scope. We have CFCs presented as OO, but which has no concept of
>> super.
>>> We have no overloading of methods in CFCs.
>> I don't really think making variables private within CFCs is a kludge.
> I
>> do however feel the implementation of CFCs is generally poor. IMHO,
> the
>> cfproperty tag should declare variables for a CFC and should include
> an
>> attribute for public or private access. Further, any variables
> declared
>> with cfset should be private within the context of where they were
>> declared. This would enable function scoped variables automatically
>> without having to use the stupid var keyword.
>> I do wish CFCs were more Java like, but I wouldn't be so quick to say
>> they aren't OO.
>>> Were I given to irony, I might say that "I am not anti-CFC per se,
> but
>>> it does tend to live in its own little bubble and it takes words,
>>> concepts and phrases from the much larger world of OO and misuses
> them
>>> in a way that causes confusion."
>> I think a perfect example is ColdFusion Component, which is nothing
> more
>> than a class.
>> -Matt
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