I VOTE to move this thread to cf-community.

Anyone want to second that?

At 07:25 PM 9/5/02, you wrote:
>I don't recommend it - but I quit with nothing coming in - it was after
>a car accident - I said - now or never. I used to run to my mailbox
>every day hoping for even small $35 ro $50 checks form small projects. 
>I personally strongly disagree with the investors and creditors though -
>sometimes you are forced to run something a way you don't want to - or
>you get in over your head. The first year in business even if you have a
>product - things aren't straightforward. Meaning if you have  a niche -
>you still spend substantial time finding that niche, learning how to
>handle it and the possibilities and clientele.
>And personally - be ever so wary of the clients who constantly say- hey
>give me a break on this one & I'll send you more work.
>The biggest revenue generator for me was about 4 or 5 clients/companies.
>1 a web hosting firm passed all their web referrals to me - 150
>referrals in 1 year - 4 small but good clients out of that lot.
>If you haven;'t caught on to the gist - is that what I have to offer in
>8 years is - Pay more attention to your own focus rather than investors,
>creditors, empty promises and the typical - "i'll gladly pay you
>tomorrow for a hamburger today" response!
>jay miller
>Matt Liotta wrote:
>That is where investors and creditors come in.
>Matt Liotta
>President & CEO
>Montara Software, Inc.
>http://www.montarasoftware.com/ <http://www.montarasoftware.com/> 
>V: 415-577-8070
>F: 415-341-8906
><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:44 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Getting a business off the ground
>Helps if you had some cash put aside, of course.  Can't just quit your
>when there's nothing coming in and the piggy is empty.
>On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Matt Liotta wrote:
>The big thing is that you have to jump all the way in. You can't
>start a
>company moonlighting while you work somewhere else. If you can't bet
>your livelihood on your business then you can't really expect anyone
>else to either.
>Matt Liotta
>President & CEO
>Montara Software, Inc.
>http://www.montarasoftware.com/ <http://www.montarasoftware.com/> 
>V: 415-577-8070
>F: 415-341-8906
><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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