At 01:46 PM 9/9/02, you wrote:
>I have just finished upgrading my dev box to CFMX. After going through 
>a number of issues (search engine friendly URLs, problems with the 
>installer), I finally have working sites again - but the debug 
>execution times are simply unacceptable. I have 20 apps on this box 
>where every page execution was routinely 50 - 500 ms under 4.5 and 5.0. 
>Under MX, just about every page takes upwards of 2,000 - 20,000(!) ms. 
>I should note this is only the first load of a given page - subsequent 
>loads are normal.
>Is there some really obvious thing I'm overlooking? Has anyone else had 
>this experience? This is a Win2K box with 256MB RAM and a 650mhz 
>processor. Again, under CF 5.0 everything ran like clockwork.

Spike Washburn of the ColdFusion Development Team has this solution for you.

----- Begin Cut and Paste -----
There is a -webinf argument you can pass to the Compiler to compile pages outside of 
the CFMX_INSTALL\wwwroot directory. I have attached the latest version of the 
cfcompile script that demonstrates how to use this argument.

1. Save the cfcompile.bat file attached below into the CFMX_INSTALL\bin directory 
2. Run cfcompile from the command-line according to the usage
Usage: cfcompile [-f] -webroot webdir source [source ...] 
-f force compilation 
-webroot webdir the doc root of the webserver 
source file or directory containing CFM templates
Usage examples: 
Compiling all changed files under the IIS doc root: 
c:\cfusionmx\bin\cfcompile.bat -webroot c:\Inetpub\wwwroot c:\Inetpub\wwwroot
Recompiling all files under two subdirectory of the IIS doc root: 
c:\cfusionmx\bin\cfcompile.bat -f -webroot c:\Inetpub\wwwroot c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myapp 
--------------start cfcompile.bat-------------------- 
@echo off 
if "%CFMX_INSTALL%"=="" set CFMX_INSTALL=.. 
if not exist "%CFMX_INSTALL%\lib\cfusion.jar" goto err_cfdir 
if "%1"=="" goto usage 
if "%1"=="/?" goto usage 
goto compile
set PATH=%CFMX_INSTALL%\runtime\bin;%PATH% 
java -classpath %CFMX_INSTALL%\lib\cfusion.jar -webinf 
%CFMX_INSTALL%\wwwroot\WEB-INF %* 
goto end
echo Error: Could not locate %CFMX_INSTALL%\lib\cfusion.jar 
echo Please set CFMX_INSTALL path (ex: set CFMX_INSTALL=c:\CFusionMX) 
goto end

echo usage: cfcompile [-f] -webroot webdir source [source ...] 
echo -f force compilation 
echo -webroot webdir the doc root of the webserver 
echo source file or directory containing CFM templates 
goto end
-------------end cfcompile.bat---------------------
Spike Washburn 
ColdFusion Development Team

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