On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 10:25 , Marius Milosav wrote:
> On their server the data is properly displayed in Korean but all new data
> that is saved it display garbage.

Note that when moving to CFMX, you need to add several pieces of code to 
your pages if you wish to handle non-Latin-1 data. Jochem posted a link to 
an article on i18n on the web site. You can also look at the i18n section 
in the Coding Guidelines I posted:

Hope that helps.

> hopefully somebody from Macromedia can help. I really hope that Macromedia
> will fix these issues (related to Unicode discrepancies) in the sp1.
> BTW is there a final date for CFMX sp1?

Note that we have multi-lingual, multi-encoding applications running here 
internally (my team are developing the next generation mm.com web site and 
it will be 'global'), including applications that handle both European 
languages and Korean simultaneously.

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