
I've made these settings now and have a couple questions.

1. You say to set a counter and an alert. Aren't the counters just for 
logging and have nothing to do with the alerts?
2. Is the monitoring interval important?


At 10:41 AM 02/11/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Here's what I've done.  NOTE: This works great for me. It may or may not
>work great for you.  But I've been down your road, and know EXACTLY what
>you're talking about.
>- You'll need "kill.exe" (a kill util from Microsoft.  If you need it,
>let me know. It MUST be in "c:\winnt\system32" or you will need to
>change the dir entries in the bat file to point to it properly.)
>- Create a directory on your C: drive called "\bats"
>- Create a file in that dir called "restart_jrun.bat"
>- Copy these commands to that directory:
>         (NOTE: My CFMX install is under C:\SERVICES\CFUSIONMX. Change
>those dir entries if this is not the case for you!)
>@echo off
>REM ==========          RESTART CFMX            ===============
>REM =========
>REM The following is only here for the first time that it runs this
>REM bat file.  Aftwards, the service should not show as running.
>REM =========
>net stop "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
>REM ============================================================
>cd \Services\CFusionMX\bin
>call C:\Services\CFusionMX\bin\cfstop.bat
>c:\winnt\system32\kill -f jrun.exe
>c:\winnt\system32\kill -f jrun.exe
>sleep 2
>call C:\Services\CFusionMX\bin\cfstart.bat
>REM ===========================================================
>REM ===========      RESTART ODBC SERVICES    =================
>REM If you don't do these, DB entries can go nutz and not be entered
>REM properly
>REM ===========================================================
>net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
>net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
>net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
>net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
>REM ===========================================================
>- Open up the Performance Monitor.
>- Add a counter that watches ColdFusion MX Server / Running Requests
>- Add a counter that watches Web Service / Current Connections / _Total
>- Click on Alerts
>- Add an Alert that watches the same as the first counter above and
>trips if it goes over 25.
>         - The action for this will be to run the file
>- Add another Alert that watches the same as second counter above and
>trips if it goes over 125.
>         - The action for this will be to run the file
>- Make sure to "Start" both alerts, and note that they WILL NOT run by
>themselves if you restart the server.
>- Save these MMC settings to your desktop as a new PerfMonitor (".msc")
>file that you can double click on and start at your will.  I call it
>"Web Health.msc".
>- Add a shortcut to this file to your "startup" menu.. So it will start
>when you restart your machine.  AGAIN, this WILL NOT restart the alerts
>after rebooting.  It will only bring it up on when you reboot.
>Now.. What does it do?:
>- The first time it is run, it will kill the CFMX service.  Not to
>worry.  Keep reading.
>- It will then stop (and kill) JRUN (which is actually CFMX) if this
>isn't the first time it's run.  Note that it's necessary to kill it
>twice, otherwise you'll end up with multiple copies of it (and CMD)
>running after a while.
>- It then calls JRUN directly, and keeps it runnning in a CMD window
>(that you cannot see).  This will show in your processes window of Task
>Manager.. So don't kill it!
>- It will then restart the ODBC services, to make sure that any pending
>updates to datasources are properly committed.  DO NOT KILL THESE.
>Simply allow the services to be restarted.. Otherwise necessary changes
>may not be written properly.
>You can, if you like, add a notification to the Alert actions of each of
>these, to let you know they've fired.  One of the things I've noticed is
>that the JRUN (CFMX) Running Requests will start to creep up until they
>basically bring the server to it's knees.  This will limit them to 25.
>I've found this to be a reasonable number.  Note that this doesn't mean
>that you can't run more than 25 CFM pages.  It's simply not allowing 25
>to STAY running for any length of time -- which would indicate that
>they're going nutz and not dying -- which is the root of your problem.
>Play with the numbers if you like.. They may need to be modified to meet
>your needs.  But this works to keep my server alive, with little
>degredation on performance, and little impact on my very busy clients.
>They WILL see a minor down time if they keep hitting the pages.
>However, it will keep you going until things are resolved.
>I'm in the process of working with MM on this issue now, and am hoping
>that we'll find a solution that fixes this.  Obviously we're not the
>only ones with this problem.
>Let me know if YOU find the culprit.
>Take care... And good luck!
>         Lee
>| -----Original Message-----
>| From: Brook Davies [mailto:brook@;maracasmedia.com]
>| Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 10:03 AM
>| To: CF-Talk
>| Subject: CFMX Server - still crashing
>| I think I'm going crazy. My CFMX server crashes almost every
>| day now and it
>| is a really big problem. I posted the other day and asked
>| anyone on this
>| list if they were running CFMX on a med-high traffic site
>| without crashing
>| and not a single person responded with a positive story of
>| success. Not
>| very encouraging.
>| We've had to look at purchasing a new web server, CFMX license, and
>| hardware load balancer just to keep our website up. And our
>| webserver is
>| only running at about 10-20% utilization! I don't get it,
>| we're not under a
>| lot of load but the server continue's to die. I've had the
>| following problems:
>| First the server would start to stack queued and running
>| requests while not
>| responding until the server was completely unresponsive.
>| Restarting the
>| CFMX service would bring the server back.
>| We then added a nightly cycle (cycle.bat) to see if that
>| would help. It did
>| not seem to help, we continued to experience the same crashes.
>| Now the server is crashing more than before and exhibiting some new
>| symptoms. This bread of crash does not increment the queued
>| or running
>| requests, does not "stop" the service, it just causes the
>| webserver to
>| return server not found errors. This has happened twice. For
>| no apparent
>| reason, in the middle of the night (low traffic) the server dies.
>| Restarting CFMX and/or IIS does not help. The server requires
>| a complete
>| reboot to come back on-line. The following (from the event
>| log) seems to
>| coincide with the time the server went down last night:
>| This error is apparently what killed CFMX.
>|  From Dr. Watson:
>| The application, , generated an application error The error
>| occurred on
>| 11/02/2002 @ 01:31:38.484 The exception generated was
>| c0000005 at address
>| 6D45F565 (JVM_InitializeCompiler)
>| Since the CFMX service was not actually stopped, trying to restart it
>| generated this error in the exception log:
>| Information","Thread-4","11/02/02","01:49:38",,"Address in
>| use: JVM_Bind"
>| java.net.BindException: Address in use: JVM_Bind
>|       at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
>|       at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source)
>|       at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(Unknown Source)
>|       at java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(Unknown Source)
>|       at
>| coldfusion.server.jrun4.metrics.CfstatServer.run(Unknown Source)
>| I don't know what to do next, except wait for Macromedia to
>| release a new
>| updater. We've gone over the applications code and there are
>| no unlocked
>| variables, everything looks okay. Does anyone know what the
>| JVM error above
>| means? Should I rebuild the machine from the ground up?
>| Brook Davies
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