Not that I am trying to be exclusive or pompous, but when you 
start allowing people who know nothing about web page design or 
development to design or develop web pages, you get web pages 
designed or developed by people who know nothing about the 
process.  I think it is a dangerous trend to try to make all 
technology available to everyone.

As a case and point:  The professional secreatry is all but dead.  
Because the word processor is now available to everyone, everyone 
is expected to use it.  Therefore, you now have middle executive 
types spending twice as long to develop documents at 3 times the 
cost with 1/2 the effectiveness because they really don't know how 
to write.

Specialization is not always a bad thing.  Is it so horrible to 
expect that if someone wants to use a technology, they actually 
learn how to use it.

Just my $0.02.

Robert J. Polickoski
Senior Programmer, ISRD Inc.
(540) 842-6339
AIM - RobertJFP

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:19:57 -0500

>> At the risk of being a trouble maker, I just have to make this
>> observation.
>> Now that we are allowed to talk about Contribute, I have to say 
>> following:
>> We have been told that MM is doing away with Studio/Homesite 
because they
>> do not want to have more than one editing application in their 
>> portfolio. I accepted this despite Dreamweaver's obvious issues 
that have
>> already been covered to death. So what is the next application 
that MM
>> releases? Another web editing application.
>> I might be the only one that is irked by this, or maybe not, 
but it seems
>> very odd to me.
>I wouldn't say that this new tool is in any way a replacement for 
CF Studio
>.. It's a web-based tool to allow non-technical ( or less-
technical ) users
>to edit web content... So... it really in no way compares to 
Studio. What
>they're after is the wider audience of general, non-programmer 
>users, which is an entirely different market than Studio 
targeted. So I
>don't think it really relates (at least not directly) to their 
saying they
>didn't want to support more than one _traditional_ editing 
application. You
>wouldn't buy Contribute for the folks in your office currently 
using either
>CF Studio or Dreamweaver -- you'd buy Contribute for the folks in 
>office currently sending email to the folks using CF Studio or 
>to ask them to make changes.
>S. Isaac Dealey
>Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
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