OK so COM is dead, I would like to see the thread. Do you have a link.
That would also imply that no one uses it anymore.

Anyway the office I'm developing for is using all that dead stuff.

I have been advocating replacing what they have with Verity and hopefully that is what 
the system will convert to. But right now . . . I'm a slave to a contract.

In response to your suggestion (thanks for the post)

myObject = myObject.item("title");
myObject = "title";

This throws an error "the parameter is incorrect" on this line:
myObject = myObject.item("title"); 
which I assume is coming from the object itself.

So that doesn't work either. (It as if the object won't accept the name of the option 
without an assignment operator).

Any other ideas? or am I going to have to use asp?

-Joshua O'Connor-Rose
-All is Good
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